Getting started

To start using TinyGem, register a free account and copy the bookmarklets to your browser favorites.

Instructions for desktop browsers

With the TinyGem bookmarklet, you can quickly add new articles to your feed.

Drag and drop the bookmarklet link below to your browser Bookmark/Favorites bar and click it to save an article.

Gem this - will add the link to your public list.

Gem private - will add the link to your private list.

Enhanced link submit (with tags).

Gem tags - will add the link to your public list.

Gem private tags - will add the link to your private list.

Instructions for iPhone/iPad with Safari

With the TinyGem iOS shortcut you can save articles directly from the share menu. If you use a browser other than Safari, you can modify to shortcut to accept input from it.

Add these shortcuts to your iOS device (you may need to enable external shortcuts in your settings). In the share menu, add it to favorites and move it up as you need.

Gem this - will add the link to your public list.

Gem private - will add the link to your private list.

Instructions for any device

Add this page as a bookmark (click on the box with the arrow in it next to the Safari address bar).

Select and copy the following code for Public bookmarklet:

javascript:(function(doc){var a=window,b=document,c=encodeURIComponent,''+c(b.location)+'&title='+c(b.title)+'&referrer='+b.referrer+'&is_private=','startme_popup','left='+((a.screenX||a.screenLeft)+400)+',top='+((a.screenY||a.screenTop)+100)+',height=300px,width=300px,resizable=0,alwaysRaised=1');a.setTimeout(function(){if(d)d.focus()},300)})(document);

or select and copy the following code for Private bookmarklet:

javascript:(function(doc){var a=window,b=document,c=encodeURIComponent,''+c(b.location)+'&title='+c(b.title)+'&referrer='+b.referrer+'&is_private=true','startme_popup','left='+((a.screenX||a.screenLeft)+400)+',top='+((a.screenY||a.screenTop)+100)+',height=300px,width=300px,resizable=0,alwaysRaised=1');a.setTimeout(function(){if(d)d.focus()},300)})(document);

Getting the most out of Discover feature

Discover feature shows you automated content recommendation from curated sources around the web based on links you save and your stated interests.

Make sure to enter descriptive interests in your profile. For example "python performance" is better than "python".

The recommendation AI also uses saved links as a seed. It will consider up to 100 most recently saved links so for best results you want to have at least 100 links saved. The more links you save, the better recommendations you will get.

If you dislike a recommendation you can choose to 'mute' it by clicking the mute button. This will suppress recommendations for similar topics.

How do I get a cool gem next to my profile?

Everyone starts out with a grey gem

10 saved links get you the green gem

100 saved links get you the blue gem

250 saved links get you the purple gem

1000 saved links get you the red gem

Pro tips

Instead of saving HN discussion, save the link to the original article - you will get HN discussions for free, plus any Reddit and Twitter discussions

After 20 saved links you'll get your own personalized recommendations in the Discover menu

Register and save at least 20 links to
get daily personalized recommendations
