
Save content to your public and private feeds with a browser bookmarklet.

Browse public feeds of other users. Example.

TinyGem intelligently finds and shows discussions on Hacker News, Reddit and Twitter for all your saved links.

Personal Branding as a Developer: Your Github is Your...

2 hours ago by tomcat | 9 comments 23 comments 4 comments

Color-Coded Loot (Concept) - Giant Bomb

17 hours ago by darkflame | 5 comments 1 comments

TinyGem's Discover feature automatically surfaces personalized content recommendations based on your interests and the history of your saved links. The content will be matched with machine learning from a number of manually curated sources around the web with low number of ads/trackers on them.

Automatically generates article summaries for saved links

Export all your links as a bookmark file at any time

API to create new links

Free to use

Register and save at least 20 links to
get daily personalized recommendations
